Saturday, June 27, 2009

Laney Bop and Angel Cakes

It has been the longest six weeks of my life I can say in all honesty. There has been so many changes physically and emotionally for all of us. It has been quite an adjustment for Laney to be brought into our family. I am very happy to say that Ava has adjusted very well and that she loves and is very protective of "Laney Bop" or "sister". I on the other hand have not adjusted so well emotionally I can admit to the fact that I have actually broken down in tears over the most ridiculous stuff but I guess that is part of it and will pass in time. Jason has done really well with all the estrogen in the house and has been a great help. I would like to write more but Jason is begging me to take Laney and try to get her sleep. It would be nice to go to bed before midnight. I will post pictures once I get the ones already on here saved on cd since there is no more room for pics on the website.

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