Tuesday, January 13, 2009

First haircut

Ava got her first haircut today which she has been asking for a long time. She did really good, I was really proud of her she just sat and didn't move or complain or act scared at all. Actually I think she was really excited about it, but Jason and I really were not it is too sad to think about the fact that all the baby hair she was born with was just cut off. She is just getting so big so fast and now she looks even more grown up. She is 2 going on 16 and she wants to wear her high heels everyday and wear perfume and put on makeup and take her purse with her everywhere we go. She is very much a girly girl which kind of surprises me as much as I'm really not. It was Jason's first day of actually having class at the college and I think he was kind of nervous since it has been so long. It is definitely the beginning of a long journey for Jason and I both to get through school but with patience and determination hopefully we can see it through.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The Aquarium

We went to the aquarium yesterday and we all had a really good time. Ava was a little scared at first because she didn't understand that there was a glass between her and the animals but once she realized that she had a lot of fun. We were looking at the aquarium with the sharks in it and I said look Ava a shark and she turned to me with a surprised look and said, "Shark! Run Mommy run!" I didn't know even know she knew what a shark was but all I can guess is she learned it from Dora The Explorer. Ava really loved the dolphins and we went to a show where they had something like a cheetah, owls, anteaters, and eagles and she really loved that too. I don't know if we should have taken her yesterday since it was so cold but she was feeling fine and now today she sounds all congested again. We are going today to the college to register Jason for his classes and I think this semester he will actually be taking some of them there at the college at night instead of all internet classes which he hates. Lucky us we are back to the gym today, which has been extremely put off but we have got to go back. I actually gained a pound this time I went to the doctor instead of always losing weight so that was good. I think the morning sickness is starting to subside a little although it is still not completely gone.

Painting ornaments for christmas

This is from when we went to the aquarium yesterday

Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year

I hope everyone had a good new years, ours was pretty uneventful which I think is pretty common when you have a kid. Thinking back on the last year has made me wish this year to be so much greater. Not that last year was just so completely horrible but there were things that I definitely could have lived without like my Mom and Grandma both having congestive heart failure and of course the dismal election scares the crap out of me. Even Christmas which I have to admit I still love just as much as I did when I was a kid was kind of a downer because everyone had the flu. I'm going to try to be positive about this year though, we found out on Tuesday that we are having a girl so that's some good news. Jason and I were both shocked by that because we were both pretty sure that it was going to be a boy. Ava ask me everyday, "Where's sister Mommy?" that is hard to explain and Jason's explanation for that question is mommy ate her, I tell him all the time that this is going to scar her for life but he thinks it's funny. Today I have been taking down all the Christmas decorations which I'm kind of relieved to be putting away the tree was starting to shed horribly. Jason is planning on continuing taking his classes next semester but I think I'm going to hold off on mine considering my due date is May 14th. Ava is hilarious now she says the funniest things and is talking in full sentences, but some of the things she says shocks me too. Like Ava remembers everything she never forgets any detail ever so Jason was telling me she has a mind like an elephant and she turned to me and said, "Well Momma is a cow!" Of all things a cow? All I can say is thanks Ava though I was laughing pretty hard which made her repeat it over and over again.