Thursday, May 14, 2009


Tomorrow I am going to be induced at 5 in the morning, I can't even begin to tell you how much I hate getting up that early especially for something so exhausting as birth as if someone wouldn't be tired enough from that by itself. I guess knowing when the baby is coming has really made me think today about the fact that this would be last day of what we call our "normal" life with just Jason, Ava, and I. The last time I will be able to devote all my time to Ava in the afternoons, or just the everyday things that just me and Ava do. Don't get me wrong I'm excited about the baby and I think every child is a blessing, but never will me and Jason's life be so simple again. I guess it sounds kind of like whiny but for me reality has just set in for the first time since I found out I was pregnant how different things would be. I have been worried about the adjustment for Ava but didn't really consider so much the adjustment for all of us as much. Anyways moving on, it is such a relief to have my mom come today so we know exactly what to do with Ava because before it was kind of all in the air. Jason and I still have not completely decided on a name which I can't believe, but oh well maybe we will know when we see her. I wanted to write something quickly but I have to try to get some sleep, try being the key word. I will write as soon as possible for all the baby details.

Saturday, May 2, 2009


Since I have been going to the doctor every week I have been informed that this baby could come "any day now" but I'm still waiting and waiting. On Wednesday my doctor said that she can't believe that I haven't already had her but she is taking her sweet time. Of course I've gotten Jason bugging every few hours asking me, "is it time? what about now?" he really wants a day off work after working the last 3 weeks straight. I guess I should have cleared something up with the doctor on Wednesday though because now I don't know if I'm 38 or 39 weeks along 2 weeks ago she said my due date was May 7th but then on Wednesday she said I was 38 weeks, so I don't know. Ava is growing and growing she is really using her imagination alot here lately. She treats her baby dolls like they are real and puts her puppies in time out and loves to play a game with Jason where they hide under blankets from a dragon. Yesterday I was folding clothes and one pair of socks that I had balled up she said was her pet fish named Judy, I don't know where she comes up with these things. I'm really hoping still that she will be OK with a new baby in the house, hopefully she will adjust alright. We haven't really been doing a whole lot especially in the last few weeks but Jason seems to really be enjoying his softball league and his first game is on Monday. He has been working out and trying to take care of himself so I have been proud of him for that and of course he insist that we go walking every night just to try to get me to go into labor.