Monday, March 31, 2008

What's up

I have not wrote in a while because we have been pretty busy. Jason, Ava, and I are in Houston right now since Jason had a few days off. We just went to Micah's baseball game and they won 7-0, we were only able to stay for like the first inning because it was to rainy for Ava to run around and she was about to go crazy wanting to play. I'm SO glad that she is feeling better, you think it's hard taking care of a toddler when they are not sick, and suddenly when they are sick you realize just how easy you have it when they are well. I don't really know what we have been doing but just stuff that seems to take up a day. We just got Ava a sandbox and she loves it, her and Chloe both love it actually which is nice for her to have something to do outside. Jason seems to be stuck to the laptop every spare moment we have so that he can keep up with every stat for the fantasy baseball that we are playing. Ava just keeps on growing and surprising me with the things that she knows, like somebody asked her name at Babies R Us today and she was just like "Ava", or Micah said the number 1 for something and Ava was like "2 and 3" she is just so smart.

Friday, March 21, 2008


I was looking forward this last week to spending some time with my family while David, Nicole, and Hayden were visiting for spring break, but it has been a rough week. Ava got sick last Sunday which I just thought was teething so we went ahead and went to Houston on Monday. I was wrong about her just teething she was also sick with an upper respiratory infection. It was the roughest week I think we've had since Ava was born. Poor Ava definitely didn't feel good and she showed it she stressed me out to the max, but I felt bad because I knew just how horrible she must have been feeling to act like this. Ava and Hayden dyed eggs on Thursday and she really wasn't enjoying it, so hopefully she will be feeling well enough to have easter egg hunt on Sunday. It really seems like she's doing better, I think she is glad to be home since we got home today she has been in such a better mood and wanting to finally play with her toys again. I'm just glad it seems like she is feeling better so she can have a good easter. Micah drove to Portland with me and Ava earlier today, and my parents are going to be here later tonight so we are going to have a house full. I think Jason and my Dad are going to go fishing so lets hope they actually catch something this time because it hasn't happened yet.

Friday, March 14, 2008


Jason and I watched August Rush the other night it was such a good movie we thought. It kind drug out a little in the beginning but finally got really good. Jason is fixing to have his days off so this will be good he work 6 on and 2 off and hardly ever does his 2 off end up on a weekend. He has his first open house on Sunday so pray that everything goes good. Me and Ava are about to go up to Houston on Monday to stay with my Mom and Dad and see Nicole and David and of course Hayden. Hopefully Ava will want to be gentle and nice to him.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

What we have been doing

There's hasn't been a lot going on. Jason is doing his first open house on Saturday, so we're hoping that goes good. I think he's a little nervous since he hasn't ever really used his real estate license. I'm feeling a little under the weather today, I think it is just allergies though. Ava is doing good she is getting her back teeth in, so she has been a little grouchy. We have been taking Ava to the church's nursery while we go to a life group on Sunday nights, it's was a little rough on her. She threw up like twice because she was crying so hard, she is just not used to being away from us. She is getting better though, it's just going to take some time I guess. We are really enjoying our new car, it's so nice not to have to climb in the back to get Ava out.