Saturday, March 14, 2009

Growing up

Ava has been getting so big and learning so many new things, she just matures and the things she says amazes me. We went and ate Chilis the other day and before we went I was talking to Jason to remind me we have to go get diapers after we got done eating. Two hours we were leaving Chilis of course on our way home because Jason and I both forgot to go to the store, and Ava was like no home, no home, diapers from the store! I couldn't believe she remembered and I wasn't even telling her anything about it. Ava never forgets anything, which is a really good thing because here lately especially in the last couple months I have been extremely forgetful once again she has a mind like an elephant. Only two more months till the baby comes and of course the sickness still has not ended but my weight is forever going up down each doctors appointment, but so far I have lost 5 pounds since the pregnancy. Jason and I have been going back and forth on names but nothing has been decided yet, at this rate we will be deciding after the baby is here. Ava has shown a little enthusiasm over her baby sister, I took her to the doctor with me yesturday and she kept begging to hear the baby's heartbeat. I am nervous about how she is going to be once the baby is here I pray that there won't be too much jealousy. We are in Houston since Jason had five days off so me and Nicole took Ava shopping for shoes today and to my amazement she got a pair of size 9 shoes! Poor girl never even has a chance, she is obviously taking after me in the feet department. It has been cold here which is really unfortunate because I really wanted to take her to the zoo with her cousin Hayden but it is supposed to be cold like the whole time we are here.

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